Best Ayurvedic Treatment For Diabetes | Ayushastra

Control Diabetes Effectively with Ayurvedic Medicines

Diabetes is a highly prevalent health concern worldwide wherein blood sugar levels become very high. If they remain abnormally high in the bloodstream, severe health complications ensue. These include vision loss, heart and kidney diseases. Ayurvedic treatment has been proven effective in managing diabetes. Ayushastra’s best Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes, Madhuhar, is a unique formulation of nutrient-rich ingredients, such as Jamun, Gudmar, turmeric, and Amla. These herbs work together to control blood glucose levels and improve immunity.

Ayurveda for Managing Diabetes

Ayurveda, the ancient healing practice, has emerged as a complementary treatment for illnesses like type 2 diabetes. The primary aim of Ayurveda is to keep the five essential elements or Panchamahabhutas in equilibrium through the three doshas or life forces. These elements are water, fire, earth, air, and ether. These doshas consist of Vata (ether and air), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (earth and water).

Ayurveda, the ancient healing practice, has emerged as a complementary treatment for illnesses like type 2 diabetes. The primary aim of Ayurveda is to keep the five essential elements or Panchamahabhutas in equilibrium through the three doshas or life forces. These elements are water, fire, earth, air, and ether. These doshas consist of Vata (ether and air), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (earth and water).

This disease is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, excessive consumption of curds, and foods that trigger a rise in Kapha. In Ayurveda, the key to managing diabetes is to restore the balance among the three doshas by boosting the digestive fire or agni. This raises the liver’s metabolism, minimizing its load and reducing the Kapha imbalance.

Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Diabetes Management

In Ayurvedic science, many herbal medications and remedies are employed to minimize high blood sugar levels. Some effective herbs prescribed in Ayurveda are mentioned below:


Triphala powder is the best Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes, as it improves gut health and reduces excess blood sugar levels. It is rich in antioxidants and supports daily digestion. You can take Ayushastra’s Triphala Guggul herbal preparation that removes deep-seated toxins and metabolizes nutrients efficiently.


Ayurveda trusts Amla a lot for managing diabetes. It is because of higher vitamin C levels in it that neutralize free radicals in the body. This herb is also high in chromium mineral that facilitates carbohydrate metabolism and keeps blood sugar under control.


Turmeric is a research-backed spice for its myriad of health benefits. It has robust anti-inflammatory properties that help you control diabetes. It decreases glucose in the blood and is also ideal for pre-diabetics. Regular consumption of this Golden spice prevents complications related to diabetes. You can add turmeric root extract in various ways to your diet.


Madhuhar – The Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes

Madhuhar is a powerful diabetes control treatment from Ayushastra. It helps maintain blood glucose levels and promotes immunity. This herbal powder also improves your energy levels. All these benefits accrue from the blend of over 24 natural herbs in the powder. The major components of this medicine include:

  • Jamun – This fruit has antioxidant and anti-diabetic properties. It slows the conversion of starch into sugar. This, in turn, reduces the likelihood of sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.
  • Gudmar – TGudmar plant improves the response of insulin to food and lowers your dependency on insulin medicines. It also promotes weight loss.
  • Turmeric – GTurmeric is a beautiful ingredient that boosts insulin sensitivity. It reduces blood sugar levels and prevents weight gain.
  • Amla – Amla is rich in dietary fibre. It slows down the assimilation of sugar into your bloodstream. Thus, it prevents sudden spikes in your sugar levels.

Best Ayurvedic
For Diabetes

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Ayurvedic medicines for diabetes aim to balance the body's doshas (vata, pitta, kapha), improve digestion, and regulate blood sugar levels. These medicines often contain herbs with anti-diabetic properties that enhance insulin sensitivity, stimulate beta cells in the pancreas, and reduce glucose absorption in the intestines.

Ayurvedic remedies and medicines help manage diabetes effectively, helping you live a long and healthy life. This approach is based on addressing and healing illnesses naturally. Ayushastra’s Ayurveda-based formulations are 100% natural and free from chemicals. After consulting your physician about a nutrient-rich diet and lifestyle, you can take them.

While some Ayurvedic remedies are generally safe, it's advisable to consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized guidance. A practitioner can assess your individual constitution (dosha), identify the root causes of your diabetes, and recommend specific herbal medicines and lifestyle modifications tailored to your needs. Additionally, they can help monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

Yes, Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet for managing diabetes. Incorporate whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your meals. Avoid sugary and processed foods, as well as excessive consumption of carbohydrates. Ayurvedic practitioners may provide personalized dietary guidelines based on your body type and condition.