SCIENTIFIC NAME: Syzygium aromaticum

FAMILY: Myrtaceae



Lavanga or Clove is a valuable spice that is also known as Mother Nature's Antiseptic. Cloves improve circulation, digestion, and metabolism, and they can aid with stomach problems including gas, bloating, and nausea. According to Ayurveda, cloves aid to balance Vata and Kapha while increasing Pitta. Clove has traditionally been used to promote peristalsis. This is known as vata anulomana in the Ayurvedic language.



  • Natural supplement for skin ageing & wrinkles.
  • helps in lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Improves immunity towards recurring. cough and cold
  • Modulates the gut microbiota
  • Potent antiflatulent
  • Helps in Artherosclerosis
  • Manages weight by improving the metabolism 


  • Clove contains Eugenol, which may decrease blood coagulation and hence increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. 
  • Avoid Clove in case of liver disorders.
  • If you are using Clove along with other anti-diabetic medications, keep a close eye on your blood glucose levels.
  • Due to its strong Katu (pungent) flavour, use Clove powder or oil with honey or any other sweetness.


  • To get relief from cough, chew 2-3 lavanga frequently or consume 1 gm. powder with honey 2-3 times in divided doses.
  • Prepare a warm decoction by boiling 3-4 cloves in half a cup of water, till it remains half. Drink this by adding a spoonful of honey to cure both dry and productive cough.
  • Take 1-2 gm. Od lavanga powder with warm water to cure indigestion issues.
  • A crushed clove should be kept in the carious tooth relieves toothache temporarily.
  • A small piece should be chewed frequently to combat bad mouth breath.
  • Warm coconut oil prepared by boiling the powder of Laung should be filled in-ear twice daily (Do not use when there is any kind of discharge).